Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to full-time undergraduate student(s) enrolled at a two- or four-year college or university. Applicant must ...
Have accepted admission to a higher education institution and applied for the applicable federal, state, institution, and private educational awards to cover college expenses.
Have demonstrated financial need for funds to reduce college expenses after primary tuition expenses are covered from other sources of aid.
Have demonstrated a need for and understanding of the intended purpose of this “last dollar scholarship”.
Have demonstrated participation in financial literacy and budgetary planning related to student loans and work study, etc. related to the cost of education.
Have no less than a cumulative high school grade point average of 2.5 for incoming freshmen or no less than a cumulative college grade point average of 2.5 (on a scale of 4.0).
Highest consideration will be given to applicants who are engaged in community service activities in which they are sharing their talents and time to improve the lives of others.